SFB1491 - CIM

Cosmic Interacting Matters - From Source to Signal

PI Day 2024


As our SFB approaches the halfway point of its first research phase, our PIs met for two days last week, May 2nd to May 3rd, at Burghotel Volmarstein to discuss the progress of each individual project. This is an important step, as the SFB is gearing up to prepare its application for acceptant into phase 2! The meeting was very successful and demonstrated just how much progress our projects have made, motivating us for the next two years, and hopefully beyond! We are very proud of all our researchers have accomplished.

MANTS 2024


From March 24th-25th, the GNN internal Mants Meeting met for the first time in 6 years at the Ruhr University Bochum, hosted by SFB1491. The talks centered on the synergies between different instruments. Almost 100 researchers came together from all over the world to discuss status updates for their projects. The two days were filled with invited and collaborative talks, poster sessions and networking during coffee breaks and the conference dinner.

VIP fellowship award


Congratulations to our PI Horst Fichtner and his longtime colleague Prof. Dr. Bidzina Shergelashvili!
Bidzina Shergelashvili has again received the RUB Visiting International Professor Fellowship (VIP) fellowship. This award honors outstanding international researchers who are engaged in early career researcher training at RUB.

Horst Fichtner  and Bidzina Shergelashvili have been working for a number of years on models and numerical simulations in the field of Connecting the Sun and the Heliosphere: Physical Conditions at the Heliobase and Their Signatures in Space Weather. Bidzina Shergelashvili is also closely involved in the supervision and mentoring of master's and doctoral students.
Thanks to the renewed funding from the VIP fellowship, this successful collaboration can now continue.

Further information on the VIP program can be found here.

Review: Workshop on Tuning of Hadronic Interaction Models


Between January 22nd and 25th, the Bergische Universität Wuppertal hosted a pivotal workshop on the tuning of hadronic interaction models, sponsored by the SFB1491. The workshop brought together more than 50 experts in simulations and measurements of cosmic ray-induced air showers, accelerator experiments, and hadronic interaction models. Its primary purpose was to create a collaborative space for ample discussions, sparked by presentations focused on testing and enhancing hadronic interaction models.
For more details about the event, please have a look at the conference webpage.

World's largest radio telescope gets its own legal form


The Low Frequency Array - LOFAR - is the world's largest radio telescope for measuring short and ultra-short radio waves from space. Together with the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), the Ruhr University Bochum operates a LOFAR antenna field close to the FZJ. Furthermore, RAPP member Prof. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar played a key role in the founding of the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT).
Due to the Europe-wide importance of LOFAR, the European Commission has decided to give the telescope, which was previously organized as a project, an independent legal form: From January 22, 2024, the consortium was transformed into a European research infrastructure, in short: ERIC. This reinforces the great importance of LOFAR for cutting-edge astronomical research.
The full press release can be found here (in German).